Most people know who the Lego company is. Half of our entire play room is devoted to Legos. We were lucky to be chosen to try out the new Lego Duplo sets with Disney Planes and Jake and the Neverland Pirates themes.
We received a generous free party pack from House Party including: Lego Duplos (six sets), sticker sheets, crown hats and a Planes movie poster for each guest and a Jake movie DVD and napkins and plates. This was an amazing party pack.
*As an Amazon Affiliate I do receive a small portion of sales made through clicking the links on this post. Thank you!
Anyone can sign up on the House Party website as a potential host. They will send you emails of upcoming party opportunities. If you are interested in hosting a party (make sure you read all their requirements – like the party date, required number of guests, requirement to post a group photo from the party and share your party pack with your guests).
If you apply for a party you will be notified if you are selected, then you have 30 minutes from the time you click on their website to send out 10+ invitations by email to your guests. This was the trickiest part – tracking down 10 emails for my son’s preschool friends, then managing the guest list and filling any empty spots. You also need to provide your own food for your guests.
This party pack was so great, it was definitely worth all the effort of hosting a House Party. (I also hosted an American Girl Crafts party through House Party this past summer and it was worth it too.)
Setting up for the party we wanted some fun visuals so I pulled out the large Lego Head storage jars I made last year. I painted Red Vine containers to make them. See how here.
I love how the kids can keep the bags and reuse them for other Legos or toys at home.
- I found bright yellow fabric at Wal-mart for less than $3 per yard. I bought one and a half yards and it made 12 bags. I cut them to be about 12 inches tall by 10 inches wide.
- I turned them inside out and sewed straight lines down the side, bottom and other side. I curved the bottom corners while sewing.
- Then I turned it inside out and sewed the top edge under leaving 1/2 inch casing to pull ribbon through.
- I cut one small slit in the casing on the folded edged. Then I ran 2 strips of ribbon all the way through the casing (clipping a saftey pin to the end of the ribbon), one started and ended on the left slit, the other ribbon started and ended at the right slit. I tied the string ends together.
Then I free-hand drew the shapes for the face.
TIP: Put a piece of card stock inside the bag so the marker & paint don’t bleed through.I found a round pencil sharpener that was the perfect size for the eyes so I started with those circles. Then I drew in the smaller eye circle, the eyebrows and lips. I filled it all in with a black Sharpie permanent marker. Then I used white craft paint and filled in the smaller eye circle. I only painted white on one bag. It took a while to do and I didn’t have the time. I think the rest of the bags look fine just leaving the eyes empty. The kids loved their bags.
I bought 2 boxes of the Lego Duplo Animals and split up the pieces into the favor bags. (It seemed too difficult to split up the big Duplo sets so I thought it was worth $20 to get two boxes to split up as favors.) I also found Jake and the Neverland Pirate fruit snacks at our local grocery store so I put a snack in each bag to take home.
How to make Lego Candy:
- Use white Almond Bark (found on the baking isle at your grocery store)
- Melt one and a half blocks in the microwave in a glass measuring cup for about 1 and a half minutes. Watch and stir with a plastic spoon. You don’t want this to burn, it will get hard.
- Stir in 6 drops food coloring. Liquid will make the mix harden. Use coloring paste if you have it. If not, I added about 1 tsp. of Crisco and melt it all in the microwave another 15 seconds to soften it again.
- Now, spoon into mold. Scrape off extra to leave it level. If your chocolate is too thick it will leave more bubbles.
- I stick mine in the freezer for 10 minutes to harden then take them out and pop out the mini figures.
This is a mini red wagon but I filled it with Lego candies.
I bought yellow cups at my local grocer and used a sharpie to draw their faces. We ended up using juice boxes for the kids but I spread these out as decorations. You can get 24 cups for $5.15 on Amazon (+free shipping).
I created and printed out Lego Builder labels and taped them on.
About half the kids wanted to wear them and half didn’t. They looked pretty cute building Legos.
Here are previous ideas I’ve posted. Click on the photo or links for more details:
Lego Builder FREE printable hat label.
Lego Baby Food Jar Party Favor or Toy Display
Lego Storage Head out of a Red Vine or Cheese Ball container
The kids loved playing with the new sets of Legos. It was hard pulling them away to have some snacks. I pulled out our large bin of Duplos we’ve collected over the past eight years and dumped them on the floor. I asked the kids to sort them into colors then, as teams of 2 or 3 they worked together to build the tallest tower. I was going to have them play Button Button with a Lego, but we ran out of time.
So Many Ways to Play
The kids used their creativity and built some amazing lego structures. One kid got frustrated with the Planes set because he thought he needed to make it look like the picture on the box. Once I realized that, we reminded all the kids they can build whatever they want and then everyone was happy.
Disclosure: Thanks again to Lego Duplo and House Party for providing the free party pack to host this party.
Wow! What a fun party. I love House parties and have hosted some great ones in the past. They seem like they are a little harder to get now, so congrats on a good one. My kids love legos and building things yet are probably getting past the Jake and the Neverland pirates age. (sigh)
I do love the Lego man bags that you made. Such a clever idea. They would be a cute and fun party activity as well as a great take home gift. I've pinned it to my Lego party board. Maybe someday we'll actually get to throw a lego birthday party. (Although probably not if they keep getting older one me.)
Thanks for sharing such fun ideas! I love checking out your blog.
Turned out so cute!!!
I love your Lego house party! The favor bags are so cute!
Nice giveaway! I like the Lego decoration and drawstring Lego bags. Those Lego candies and games are also amazing I would say. It is a nice idea to organize the themed Halloween party. As no kids party is complete without these fun-loving activities and games so should carefully choose these party activities. There are literally thousands of activities which can be performed on kids parties. These activities help add a charm and attractiveness to the whole party.
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