Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I Spy Christmas Books and Activity

Our Christmas books are scattered around our house for the holiday season. My kids pulled out the I Spy style books today. 
They love looking for Seymore, the wooden toy robot, in Can You See What I See? Night Before Christmas by Walter Wick. 
After reading the book we played the I spy game with our Christmas village. 
They take turns saying what they spy and the rest of us have to find it.
I spy a boy sledding
I spy a clock
I spy a tree
I spy the church
I spy the baby Jesus
I spy something red
...and so on.
Then we play I spy on our Christmas tree.
I spy a snowman
I spy an Eiffel Tower
I spy a Star Wars ship 
I spy Santa Claus....

Here are a few of our other I Spy Christmas books.
Look-Alikes Christmas, Look and Find on The Night Before Christmas and I Spy Little Christmas. 
Try finding one of these books at your library, or just play the Christmas I Spy activity with decorations around your home without the books. 
Merry Christmas!


  1. Nice read! I like the suggestions.

  2. I think I need to buy my kids an Eye Spy Christmas book. It sounds fun!


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