I still remember my first grade teacher had a 6-foot, hard-plastic pool in her classroom. Children could earn the right to take their books into the pool for reading time. She always had some pillows and a variety of books scattered inside. I’ve always wanted to make my own reading pool so I decided to make McElligot's Pool
McElligot's Pool
Free Printable Sign. You can copy and save the image below or paste it into Microsoft Word to print at the size you want. I printed the 4x6 size and cut it out and taped it on the pool. You could make it larger if you plan to put it on a post but I thought this small size was easier and safer for kids.
The kids love hopping into the pool to read.
This pool was just the right size for our small reading loft. It was $5 at Wal-mart. I saw a little bit bigger one, two rings high, for $8. I’ve also seen similar ones at the grocery store on their seasonal isle. Grab a pool right now while they are in season. These little ones go quick. I liked the fish design for this project and we can deflate it to get it out of the way and put it up quickly when we want to.
Remember Dr. Seuss’ advice to, “Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks.”
Keep your child reading all summer. Visit your local library as much as possible. We love the libraries in Salt Lake City. Click below to see my guest post about our Library's Summer Reading Program on I Heart Salt Lake.
Linking this project at these great blogs:

Are you from Utah!? I am!!! I came by to tell you that I'm thinking of doing my WHOLE classroom in Dr. Seuss next year! What do you think? Any cute ideas or play on words for me?
Thanks and I love your blog!
Too cute!! Rachelle - my bathroom is all Seuss'd out with bulletin board sets that most teacher stores are carrying now. {If you can't find them, look up Education Express and you can probably order online!} ;)
Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten
JDaniel would like the pool and he would love reading on a shelf.
I'm featuring this tomorrow!!!
Thank you for linking up at LLL!
~Bec :-)
V, Love this idea...In my house I have a feeling it wouldn't take long before one of the boys filled it with water and splashed around!
I have read so many with my 8 year old, love them.
I would love for you to link it up to my party that is running now. Any linky goes.
Come strut your stuff.
Sooooooooo cute! Absolutely lovely! If I ever have kids, I'll definitely do this! Perhaps I can create an area for my niece when she's old enough to read. I just love it!
Is that baby barcoded? Because I would totally check him out of your library. ADORABLE.
Wow! I don't know which part of me loves this more- the English teacher part or the "mom of a 2 year old part".
hi What a lovely site! well done!
i am wondering if u can help me i have all the dr Seuss books from when my kids were small. youngest now 13, eldest 19. anyway we have lost the last couple pages of McElligots pool.. from "oh the sea is so.....he might get his wish"... to the end. can you tell me how much i am missing? if you dont mind...
Thanks, min
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