Adam Bateman, 2011 The Fourth Thousand Years, books. Matter of Words Exhibit |
I recently visited the Museum of Art at BYU's College of Fine Arts and Communication in Provo, Utah. I walked into the "Matter of Words" exhibit and was amazed to see this stack of books created by Adam Bateman (The Fourth Thousand Years, books, 2011).
Showcasing a variety of books as art, it makes me hope the printed book never goes away. It made my heart so happy to see so many books. I wish I had a room full of books just like this (okay, I'd have to put them on shelves so I could get to them). It was a beautiful sight.
If you live in the area you should stop by to see this and the rest of the exhibit.
Admission is free and it will be on display until Saturday, Nov. 26, 2011. Click here for more details.
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