Watch for it on store shelves Tues. Sept. 27, 2011 or pre-order it
This video by Random House shows how the stories were found and compiled by Seussologist, Charles D. Cohen. (I love that title and think he deserves it, he is far beyond obSEUSSed).
The seven stories all sound Seussical with a few morals thrown in as typical Seuss style would have it. If you want to see a quick overview of what the stories are about, check out the publisher’s description on Mr. Schu’s blog, Watch, Connect, Read.
I’m not positive what the Bippolo Seed story is about, other than a feline persuading a duck to do something wrong. So I thought I’d just share some ideas for seed activities to try with your kids to get them thinking about seeds.
My daughter’s 2nd grade homework this past week was to go on a SEED SCAVENGER HUNT to collect a variety of seeds in an egg carton. Our house is filled with produce from local Farmer’s Markets and our own garden right now. Some examples we found:
- peach pits
- strawberry seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- dandelion seeds
- sunflower seeds
- Watermelon seeds
- cantaloupe seeds
- green pepper seeds
- tomato seeds
- popcorn kernal
- Mustard seeds
- Celery Seeds
Jelly Bean Seeds?
Here is another fun idea that I saw at Easter time on Meet the Dubiens blog that would be fun to try while discussing seeds. Have your child plant jelly beans in a pot, then the next morning lollipops appear. Depending on their age you will probably want to explain the reality of the magic trick.
Keep your eyes open for the new Dr. Seuss book The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories
Linking this idea to the Play Academy
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