The Gruffalo looks very silly and almost scary but my son adores it and sleeps with it every night and asks me to read the book over and over.
He giggles at the storyline where a mouse tricks several other animals not to eat him because he is friends with a (mythical) Gruffalo, but then a real Gruffalo shows up and the mouse has to trick him too. I especially like how it points out all the parts of the Gruffalo (orange eyes, black tongue, green wart on nose, purple spikey back and more) so my son can point to all those spots as we read the story.
Apparently this book is very popular, especially in the U.K. and there is even a DVD of it. You can also find it in American bookstores or online at Amazon.
Yes VIctoria The Gruffalo is very,very popular here in the U.K! In fact all of Julia Donaldson's books are. She is the Children's poet laureate too. A while ago I did a search for lap books/units for my daughter and I to do and was surprised that the book was not widely known in the States. Check out her other books your wee boy will love!
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