My daughter just finished her dance classes. We wanted to give her teacher a gift so we added a tutu to this flower basket. I think it turned out so cute and her teacher loved it and hung it outside her dance studio. I had seen this cute tutu table that inspired me to create this.
I got this hanging flower basket from Sam’s Club for $5 just after Memorial Day weekend. I had the fabric left over from a party and the ribbon in my stash so this came together quickly and easily.Hanging Flower Basket, 2 yards of tulle fabric (tutu netting), scissors, 1 rubber band (large enough to fit around the basket), 1 inch wide ribbon (about 6 feet, depending on size of basket).
Step 1: Put Rubber Band under lip of basket.
Step 2: Cut fabric into 4 inch wide, by 24 inch long strips. This gets a little tricky due to the type of fabric. It is easiest to lay out on a cutting mat and use a rolling cutter.
Step 3: My daughter tucked the fabric behind the rubber band and pulled it half way through so it was about 12 inches in front and 12 in back of the band. She liked being able to help make this for her teacher.
Step 4. We wrapped a ribbon around the lip of the basket and tied it in a bow.
Add a nice thank you note. My daughter wrote a note but I also like this music themed card for a dance teacher from the blog Eighteen25.
The tutu flower basket looks beautiful hanging up.
My daughter loved reading this Ballerina Princess book the past few months while taking dance classes. I’ve started collecting the ‘Step into Reading’ series. It has been great with my beginning readers. The series has many recognizable characters (Disney Princess and Cars, Barbie and more) and has different reading levels. You can find them at Target and Wal-mart. Make sure to read some books with your child as they are taking dance classes.
Here are some more great ballerina books to check out.

That is so cute and creative! I've seen the tutu tables and cupcake tower before, but never thought about on hanging baskets! Just adorable :)
Such a creative gift!
Super creative! It's the perfect gift for a dance teacher!
Love your blog!! Its so cute!!! I am your newest follower!!! i would love to feature you on my blog. so let me know!! :) So if you would like to go and check out my blog and follow me too! That would make my day!!! :) I am so excited to start blogging and share my ideas on food, crafts, and mineral make-up. I will also be doing giveaways on stuff, like mineral make-up. So look out for it!
Just loved the creativity you did with a hanging basket. It just looks awesome being placed anywhere in the house.
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