Book Order Bucks, Reading Incentive Bookmarks

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Book Order Bucks - Bookmarks
This past year I created Book Order Bucks for my first-grader. For each chapter book she finishes reading she fills out the title on the blank bookmark/buck. She has been flying through the Rainbow Fairy series. 
If she reads five books she gets $5 credit for the next book order that she receives at school. We love getting book order forms from Scholastic. They have great prices and everything is divided by reading levels. It can add up when my daughter circles 13 books she wants. This incentive program helps her learn to budget what she has earned.

During the summer I tell her she can pick out five books at the thrift store as her reward. This is a better deal for me because the books are only 50 cents. It motivates her to keep reading and she loves seeing her progress and tracking how many books she has read.

Book Order Bucks: Free Printable for non-commercial use.

Book Order Bucks 5 ObSEUSSedClick on the picture. Copy and paste into word, resize if needed. Print on green paper to look like money.
Happy reading!


Rosa B. said...

In case you're not aware of it, the linky on your Seuss Celebrations tab doesn't seem to be working. I was hoping to add something to it. :)
Cute blog! :)

Victoria- ObSEUSSed said...

Thanks for stopping by. All new Dr. Seuss links can be added to the "Dr. Seuss Link Collection" on the Seuss Links tab at the top of this page. I'd love to see your Seuss idea.

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