---Contest Ended--- The Winner was #14, Coupon Person, for their comment about following Wonderforge on Facebook. They said they would hide "lincoln logs, duplo blocks, trios, cars, and a tinkerbell" inside the hat. Have fun playing the game! Thanks to Wonder Forge for giving it away. They'll send the game to Coupon Person. Our family has played several of the Dr. Seuss games by Wonder Forge geared for preschool and grade school ages. We just tried “What’s in the Cat’s Hat” this month and my kids have had a blast finding things around our house to hide inside the hat. |
The hat is about 12 inches tall. We hide small toys, crayons, silverwear and more inside. |
What’s in the Cat’s Hat game really gets the kids more involved and prompts them to ask more helpful questions by using a deck of question cards. It has a specially designed hat, with a flap on top, to hide objects from view and other secret flaps toward the bottom used for special purposes in the game (peeking, smelling and feeling).
I really loved the combination of using the unique question cards (Does it have a face? Would it float in a bathtub?) along with the action cards (smell it, feel the hat with your elbows). This stepped the mystery bag game up to a whole new level, plus it is Dr. Seuss themed and the kids are drawn to that. Who wouldn’t want to guess what is in the Cat’s hat?
Wonder Forge will send a copy of this game to one lucky reader. Just in time for Christmas! This would be a fun gift under the tree.
Official entry: To enter this giveaway please leave a comment below telling me what you would hide in the hat.
This giveaway runs Nov. 17 – Nov. 27. A winner will be randomly chosen at midnight MST on Nov. 27, 2011. If you do not have an email linked to your comment account, please leave your email address in your comment. Open to valid U.S. addresses only.
For extra entries, pick any of the following to do and leave a separate comment for each one below:
- Follow ObSEUSSed on Google Friend Connect found in the right column.
- Follow ObSEUSSed on Facebook
- Follow ObSEUSSed on Twitter
- Follow Wonder Forge on Twitter
- Follow Wonder Forge on Facebook
See more about the Dr. Seuss What's in the Cat's Hat? Game
Here are some of the other Dr. Seuss games we’ve owned for a few years now that the kids love to play:
- Horton Hears a Who - You to the Rescue
- Green Eggs and Ham Speedy Diner Game,
- Dr. Seuss Super Stretchy ABC's
- Oh The Places You'll Go Board Game
- and our favorite, Cat in the Hat I Can Do That! Game
My son loves skipping around the trick-a-ma-stick with the Seuss toy man in his shirt. In this game they pick an action card, an item card and a how-to hold item card. Below my daughter has to crawl under the trick-a-ma-stick with the Dr. Seuss cake on her back.
Disclosure: I received a free copy of the 'What's in the Cat's Hat' game from Wonder Forge for review. All opinions and experiences are my own.
GIVEAWAY: Remember to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of "What's in the Cat's Hat." (See rules above)
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I would hide a flashlight in the hat. See, I need more practice playing this game!
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OMg, I almost screamed out loud for this awesome treat!
I of course would hide a frog lol
We are friends on FB.
Jenscookingpad is now following you on Twitter :)
Jenscookingpad is now following WonderForge on Twitter :)
I am now friends with Wonder Forge on Facebook.... although my husband might not like this at all! hahaha
I would hide lincoln logs, duplo blocks, trios, cars, and a tinkerbell.
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I follow Wonder Forge on Facebook.
I follow Wonder Forge on Twitter.
I would hide a variety of Christmas things in the hat.
I would hide a spool of red thread and a reindeer button.
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I would hide thing 1 and thing 2.
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I would hide a small stuffed heart so we could play this at our Grinch party in my daughter's class!
I follow you on GFC. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am now a follower of ObSEUSSed on Google Friend Connect! Thank you for the opportunity to win the game!
I am now a fan of ObSEUSSed on Facebook! Thank you for the opportunity to win the game!
I would hide a sea shell and a rock!
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I am now a fan of Wonder Forge on Facebook!
I'd hide a mini pumpkin in the hat this time of year. :)
I follow you on google connect
Jog 13 {at} aol *dot* com
I follow you on twitter too! Jog13 at aol dot com
Just added wonder forge on twitter jog13 at aol dot com
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Jog 13 at aol dot com
Now I follow wonder forge on fb too!
Jog 13 at aol com
I would hide Mr. Potato head in the hat....
I would hide a snowman in the hat.
I'm also a new follower through GoogleConnect. btw, I found you via Pinterest!
I would hide a stuffed horton in the hat
I would hide green eggs and ham and some days my cell phone.
Like you on fb!
Hmschooling at gmail dot com
This is great at many levels. For younger children , it teaches letter and color recognition. As they get older, it teaches word recognition. For the older children and adults who will be playing with the the young children, you can work through strategies with each turn. Obviously this is a children's game, but it can be fun for all ages. Spending time with the children is the best part.
My kids learned a lot with these dr. seuss games.
Thanks for developing this.
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