You can make one too. I created this template for my obSEUSSed readers. You can print it out. Then use a pen to draw over the lines and cut through the paper to draw onto the pumpkin. This will tell you where to use your carving knife.
The black is where to use your carving knife to cut all the way through leaving a large enough cut that light can show through from the inside out.
The orange is where you scrape the top layer of the pumpkin off to expose the next layer. There are special scraping tools to help you do this. It still lets some light through the pumpkin, but not as bright so it has a softer effect.
Copy or save jpg file and print on 8.5 x 11 paper. Free printable template for personal home use only. Please link to this post and give credit if you share it online.
Be careful to leave spaces where there are spaces so the entire head or bow tie don't fall out.
I used craft paint to paint the bow tie red on the pumpkin. You can order a striped hat like the one below or use one you already have or make a construction paper one.
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There are so many fun ideas to create a Dr. Seuss inspired pumpkin.
Grinch & yellow Sneetch Pumpkin from Tropical Texana
Cat with the Hat, right here on obSEUSSed
Lorax Pumpkin by Miss Nelson's got the camera
Full Glowing Cat in the Hat by Xtreme Carvers
See more Dr. Seuss inspired pumpkins on my Pinterest board. I love the Lorax ones with fuzzy mustaches and eyebrows.
Follow all my boards to see all the Dr. Seuss ideas.

If you make a Dr. Seuss inspired pumpkin you can share it in the comments below or email me a photo and I’ll add it to this post. I’d love to see other’s creations.
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