Our family loves Dr. Seuss and we love board games (we own over 100) so I want to share a new Dr. Seuss game we tried this month and share our favorite Dr. Seuss games your family will love.
Wonder Forge, the company that creates a variety of Dr. Seuss and other children's games, sent us Thing Two and Thing One Whirly Fun! to review.
I let my 6 and 11 year old sons open the game and they figured out how to play it by themselves. Then they taught me. You set up the house in the box with the furniture pieces in their appropriate places. The mom is on the sidewalk on her way home. You draw cards that tell you to spin Thing 1, a crazy spinning top that is a fun toy on its own. Thing 1 makes a mess in the house. Other cards tell you to pick up items of a certain color or in a certain room. Other cards tell you to move Mom closer to the house. The goal is to have the house picked up by the time Mom gets home.
Here is a video clip of my kids playing the game.
Here is a video clip of my kids playing the game.
My kids loved making Thing One spin and watching it make a mess. In fact, if it didn't knock very much down they decided to double spin to try to get a few more pieces. The game was easy enough for them to set up all by themselves although the cardboard room divider was not very strong and ripped through the top corner the second time we played the game. A little tape can hold it for future use.
My favorite thing about this game is that it promotes cooperative team play. Everyone takes turns making messes and cleaning up trying to get clean before Mom gets home. There isn't just one winner. The game moves quickly so they can play several rounds in 15 minutes. If they didn't beat mom the first round, they can try playing again. Play until you win.
I also love that the game is very affordable and makes a great gift for only $17. (On sale right now for only $10 with Amazon Prime). I've also seen it on the shelf at Walmart. I am an Amazon affiliate and appreciate you using these links if you decide to purchase. I was given this game free to review but will by buying one to give as a gift for a friend. We really love the Dr. Seuss games by Wonderforge.
We own a huge stack of Dr. Seuss games. We have reviewed several in the past. Check out the
TOP 6 Dr. Seuss Games-
These are the games my kids play the most. I asked them and they voted on their favorites.1. What's in the Cat's Hat - Fun to hide objects from around your house inside the hat and have children select question cards for clues. See my review here.
2. Super Stretchy ABC - Dr. Seuss style Twister with letters. Helps children with letter recognition and sounds.
3. Thing Two and Thing One Whirly Fun!
4. Dr. Seuss One Fish Two Fish Search Game (currently unavailable on Amazon) See my review here.
5. Dr. Seuss Charades Game - Even kids can play charades with picture cards. See my review here.
6. Cat in the Hat I Can Do That! Game - A very active game. Fun for parents to try to play along. See my review here.
Not all are available on Amazon at regular prices anymore but you can check ebay or your local classifieds. I've also picked up an extra The Cat in the Cat I Can Do That! game at the thrift store to give to a friend so check there for games not in stores anymore. Again, these are my affiliate links.
Here are a few vintage games I have but they don't get played as often. All the new games from Wonder Forge are much more kid friendly. I'd love to turn some of these vintage boards into wall displays or craft with them somehow but for now they sit in the game closet.
Click here to Visit Wonder Forge to see all of their Dr. Seuss games and puzzles.
*Disclosure: I received a free copy of the 'Thing Two Thing One Whirly Fun’ game from Wonder Forge for review. We previously owned many of their games because we love them. All opinions and experiences are my own.
Wonder Forge games can be found online or at local stores like Toys 'R Us, Target and Wal-mart. They also offer many other pre-school and grade school appropriate games such as Richard Scarry's Busy Town, Curious George and Chugginton series. Thanks for stopping by. Take a look around for more Dr. Seuss book/craft/activity/celebration ideas.
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