I created some simple heart-shaped flash cards of high frequency words for one of my favorite valentine children's books; ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ by Sam McBratney.
We have the story time or classroom size version that is about 18 inches tall. We also own the board book. This is a classic that you’ll want in your home library or classroom. The pictures are simple and relaxing and the text is memorable.
As I read books with my kindergartner I like to have him read the high frequency words while I read the more challenging words. It works best if I review the words before we read the book. Then he is familiar with them and doesn’t struggle so much during the story.
For this book we reviewed the words, then I had him find the matching word in the book the second time we read it.
FREE PRINTABLE FLASH CARDS (for non-commercial use only)
I printed mine on pink paper.
Guess How Much Love Cards Obseussed
You can download the free flashcards by clicking the lower left corner of the box ‘Scribd’. Or click here for a link to all my Free Printables.
You could also let your child use the hearts to create a valentine by using a glue-stick and construction paper.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Check out more great blog-land Valentine ideas:

Brilliant idea! I am going to make some of these for the texts that we read. Thanks so much!
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