Celebrate Poetry Month with Shel Silverstein

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HarperCollins children’s books is calling this: SHELebrate Poetry Month. They have a FREE 16 page packet you can print to go along with Shel Silverstein’s book Every Thing On It.  The packet has name tags, bookplates, so-doku (Shel style), and a variety of activity pages with images from Silverstein. Click here to download the packet.

ecard celebrate poetry sliverstein
Shel Silverstein is one of the most classic, recognizable, children’s poets (next to Dr. Seuss). I loved reading his silly rhymes that made me giggle as a child and make my kids and I laugh together as we read them now.

The book Every Thing On It was the first posthumous book by Shel Silverstein published last year.

HarperCollins has great parent and teacher/librarian resources. They have a list of their children’s books with free printable guides to coordinate. They also have a list of activity ideas to go with many of their books.

Read and write some poems today. Do it now, don’t delay!
Victoria Signature 11


Anonymous said...

This looks like a wonderful resource.I love his poems!

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